
What does “Fighting Pesticide Pollution since 1986” mean? Well, as a co-founder of Toxic Free North Carolina almost 30 years ago, I can say that it was important then, and it is even more so now.

When we started we sought to protect groundwater from contamination; advocate for adequate buffers and notice from aerial spray of pesticides; support access to safe, organic, and affordable fresh food; support communities fighting for their integrity and children’s safely; help people navigate the bureaucracies that are supposed to help the but often don’t; watchdog the NC Pesticide Board which reflexively serves the agricultural chemical industry; join with groups in other states and nationally to advocate for truly protective laws, regulations, and practices.

We found that a small group of dedicated staff with legions of supporters and volunteers could make a difference. We can point to a string of victories over three decades of activism.

At the same time, we see that the issues on the table now are very similar. As organic food has grown from what one colleague called “a rounding error in the food system” to a $30-Billion-plus business today, as awareness of household poisons has grown, so has corporate control, GMO crops, and other disturbing trends including the threat to pollinators. We have never had the laws and regulations that we need, nationally or for North Carolina.

It is now easier for individuals to eat healthy and adopt least toxic practices. Yet, it is harder to avoid even more dangerous toxins in the wider world.

I am proud to have been a part of Toxic Free North Carolina from its earliest days. We have seen several transitions and emerged stronger each time. Our staff is dedicated and professional. The need is greater than ever. And the opportunities are also greater than ever.

I helped start what has become Toxic Free North Carolina to help provide a better environment for all of us. I continue to be involved in the expectation that future generations will inherit a safe and beautiful planet.

Join us in our important work. And thank you to all who have contributed in any way, large and small.


Allen Spalt
Former Executive Director
Board Member